Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More snow pics...

Snow Day

Can I just start this post my saying how incredibly thankful and blessed I am that I have a husband who is such a great dad. I am so thankful I didn't have to stay outside and play in the cold snow for 2 1/2 hours...

The girls had a good time. We reminisced about when Sara was just one and was terrified of playing in the snow. This year she didn't want to come inside from playing. Liza did pretty well although her mobility was limited being so small and so bundled up.

Sara is funny that she loves to have snow balls thrown at her. I posted the picture with Steven in it to show how deep the snow was in our front yard. By far this was the most snow we received since we've lived here.

Big Stuff

Now that Evan's eating real food in addition to his bottles, he is less interested in the bottle, yet asserts his "I can do it" personality in holding his own. When it comes to food, he is very impatient. He is the most laid back baby otherwise. He didn't cry when Liza "watched, not helped" him fall off the bed, he didn't cry when he got 3 shots...but if you don't feed him fast enough he will certainly tell you how he feels about that.

Evan and Carrots

Evan had his first experience with baby food on Sunday night. I gave him carrots first, both the girls had carrots as their first meal too. It took several bites before he was sure he liked them. Once he started sucking on his tongue I knew they were a hit. Either he is a much neater eater than Sara or Liza were or I am a much neater feeder (from experience of course). I remember Sara having carrots everywhere. He is so cute and sweet. Sara desperately wanted to feed him. I am sure she will have lots of opportunities in the future to do so but the first feeding is reserved for Mommy. Liza had no interest whatsoever. By the end of the jar he was trying to suck the carrots off his bib. Hungry baby. Thanks to Daddy for documenting this milestone. Evan is just a few days short of 6 months, but has a tooth already, much earlier than either of the girls. He is also almost outgrown his 6-9 month size clothes, he's a big boy. I'm working with him now on building his core muscles so he can sit up on his own. Isn't he a handsome boy?